
side of his nature.

I have read the last two issues of your Inasmuch as recently during the Wechsler wonderful magazine. I like what you are suit it has been brought out that even W. W. doing. With the aid of many individuals you has made mistakes in the past, and is not should be able to survive. the white washed character he pretends to

I have attended two meetings of the Mattachine Society here in San Francisco. The meetings are very helpful and I'm intending to become a member.

When I was asked what I would like to do; to help in the organization; it was suggested that I design a cover for ONE, which I have enclosed.

I hope that you like it and I would like to do more, if you wish. Enclosed, also, is a check for my subscription.

Keep up the good work and let me know if I can be of help.


San Francisco




A Colorado reader is doing a paper on deviation in the early West. He has heard that blue and red bandanas were worn around the wrist or neck to designate who was dancing the male and female parts at pioneer square dances when

As a subscriber to your magazine, which there weren't enough real gals to go around. I find not only unusual but enlightening, I He would like any similar data on such customs would like to add my views on the discus-between 1830-1880. sion of Edith Gwynn in the April issue, and GOMENASAI her ilk of columnists who delight in making supposedly "smart talk" about the homosexuals.


A Georgia student would like to know where he can find information on homo customs among the medieval Samurai. In English, that is. And while we're at it: the Editors were at I believe the arch-offender of such tactics one time promised translations of classic Japis the self-righteous Mr. Walter Winchell, anese tales about the ancient Samurai which so-called dean of the columnists. For years include mono-gendered romances. The project he has reveled in such "smart talk" about never materialized. Does anyone else know the "limp-wrist set," "the lavender hill mob" where ONE could lay hands on these stories for

our readers?

etc., and for anyone who prides himself on defending the minorities, it makes him somewhat of a hypocrite. For all the good he might do in exposing the crime and corrupbe, all we can say is "give a guy enough tion in this world, such attitudes towards rope and he'll hang himself." It was a little the little people who are harming no one, nauseating to see his semi-reversal on the other than appearing at "questionable" bars Christine Jorgensen case, after giving her and public places, only shows the "little" the usual treatment, when she contributed


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